
St Piers School is a Non-Maintained Residential Special School for pupils aged four to 19. St Piers College is an Independent Specialist College offering unique residential and day college for students aged 19–25. We are run by the charity Young Epilepsy.

Young Epilepsy is a registered charity and a Board of Trustees has overall accountability for all aspects of its impact and activities.

The Board of Trustees has delegated responsibility for the governance of education and residential provision to the Education Governing Body (EGB), with a number of areas remaining with the Trustee Board.

The EGB is separate from, but over-lapping with, the Board of Trustees.  Four of the Governors, including the Chair of the EGB, are also Trustees.  Trustees receive regular reports from the EGB. 

The EGB is comprised to comply with the Non-Maintained Special Schools (England) Regulations 2015 and oversees compliance with the National Minimum Standards for Residential Special Schools. The EGB meets six times in the year and Governors are actively involved in many aspects of School and College life. Governors are committed to the success of St Piers and to ensuring the best possible outcomes and experience for its pupils.

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To find out more about how we are governed at St Piers, our board of Governors, their roles and responsibilities and who to contact, please see the links below.