| Role | Lead Governor | Includes |
1. | Learner Voice | David Pierpoint | - Working towards increased learner involvement in:
- Governor monitoring
- EGB discussion and decision-making
- Progressing the creation of a Young Governor role
- Regular attendance at Student Council (School) and Learner Voice (College) meetings and reporting back to the EGB
All Governors to attend Learner Voice and Student Council meetings wherever possible. |
2 | SEND | All | - Monitoring all aspects of SEND provision
- How St Piers makes good use of its SEND budget and resources
- Progress of students across the range of SEND cohorts
3 | Safeguarding | Maria Rodrigues | - Child & Adult Protection and KCSIE
- Staff conduct
- Allegations of abuse against staff
- Safeguarding systems
- Online safety
- DSL link: training & resources
- Curriculum requirements re safeguarding
- Safer recruitment and single central record
- Children Missing in Education
- Radicalisation and Prevent Duty
- Looked After Children (safeguarding)
Chair, Quality of Care Subcommittee |
4 | Careers, employability, progression | Vivien Hepworth MBE | Takes a strategic interest in careers education and guidance and encourages employer engagement. |
5 | Quality of education | Tanya Moran | - Curriculum monitoring, including numeracy and literacy - intent, implementation, and impact.
- Review impact of the curriculum changes
- Quality of teaching, staff appraisal and continuing professional development.
- Attainment, including disadvantaged groups and underperforming groups, Looked After Children
- Attendance, including Attendance Policy
- Destinations
- Ongoing monitoring of School and College improvement priorities
Chair, Quality and Standards Subcommittee |
6 | Governor training and development | Tamsin Jones and David Pierpoint | - Take a leading role within the EGB for Governor training and development
- Works closely with the Governance Manager
- Making sure all Governors have the right skills to contribute to the EGB
7 | Parent engagement and voice | Karen Lettington and Sara Miller | Takes a strategic lead in the EGB’s responsibility to ensure that St Piers has an effective strategy for engaging meaningfully with parents and carers |
8 | Staff wellbeing and workload | Amanda Riddle | - Wellbeing and mental health of the St Piers Leadership Team and staff team more broadly
- Staff workload
- Staff survey – reporting back to the EGB
Links with Sarah Stookes, Director of HR, and wider YE initiatives |
9 | Residential provision | Tamsin Jones | - Takes a strategic lead role in the connection between Education and Residential services
- The effectiveness of the leadership, management and delivery of children’s and adult’s residential provision
10 | Finance and Resources | David Pierpoint Lead supported by Amanda Riddle | Takes a strategic lead role in the EGB’s financial oversight responsibilities, including funding, bursaries and grants. Attends Education Finance Deep Dives and Education Pay Committee Attends all Trust Board Finance, Audit and Risk Committee (FARC) meetings. Feeds in considerations and recommendations from the Education Finance Deep Dives |