Young Epilepsy is a registered charity and a board of trustees (Trust Board) has overall accountability for all aspects of its impact and activities.
The Trust Board has delegated responsibility for governance of the education and residential provision at Young Epilepsy to the Education Governing Body (EGB).
The EGB is comprised to comply with the Non-Maintained Special Schools (England) Regulations 2015.
The Trust Board
The Trust Board's responsibilities include the following:
- Setting the strategic direction of Young Epilepsy
- Approving Young Epilepsy's overall budget
- Appointing the executive team to whom day-to-day operational responsibilities and authority are delegated
- Agreeing areas for delegation and appointing committees to carry out delegated responsibilities.
The Education Governing Body
The EGB reports to the Trust Board and is responsible for:
- Monitoring the effective management and performance of St Piers School and College, including its residential provision
- Advising the Trust Board on achievements and areas for improvement
- Undertaking delegated authority for the Trust Board on the following matters:
- Strategic direction
- Leadership and management
- Quality assurance
- The investigation and handling of complaints
- Learner outcomes
- Safeguarding
- Behaviour
- Student welfare and wellbeing
- Equality and diversity
- Health and safety
- Budgets, finance and funding
- Curriculum
- Staffing
- Compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements
- Ratifying key policies
- Appointing lead governors from amongst the EGB governors to monitor and report to the EGB on specific aspects of educational and residential activities.
- Providing minutes and other reports and recommendations to the Trust Board.
The Chair of the EGB is a member of the Trust Board and the Chair of the Trust Board is an ex-officio member of the EGB.
The EGB meets its responsibilities by working with the Trust Board, the Chief Executive and the directorate senior leadership teams.
The full EGB has four scheduled meetings at regular intervals throughout the school and college year, with subcommittee meetings between full EGB meetings. In addition, Governors meet with allocated lead managers and make regular targeted visits to St Piers School, St Piers College and the residential provision and make reports on these visits to the EGB.
The EGB has three subcommittees as follows:
- Quality and Standards
- Quality of Care
- Education Pay Committee