Our animals


DJ is a skewbald horse, he was born in 2001 and his passport name in Ringo, he is 14.1 hands high.
He originally came from Vauxhall City farm where he was used as a riding school horse. He arrived at St Piers Farm in August 2020.
He is very good in the school and has been known to jump a few fences in his younger days.


Pebbles was born in May 2020, her mum is Jet, who also lives here at St Piers Farm.
She is a very timid girl, but enjoys being fed fruit and vegetables.
She has dark black fleece which is very thick, known as huacaya, this fleece is mainly described in terms of lock structure, crimp and brightness, which is what is looked for in a good alpaca fleece.

Boer Goat

Boer Goat
Spud was rehomed to St Piers Farm at the end of 2023 with his friend Marigold, he’s only a year old, so still very young, but already has a big personality.
He is a Boer goat, so is a lot bigger than his pygmy goat friends on the farm. He settled in quickly, and has become a firm favourite of both staff and students, and is often compared to a puppy, due to his affectionate and playful nature.


Bea is one of two donkeys at St Piers Farm, sharing her field with her friend Spice.
Bea’s passport name is ‘Brussels’ and she was born on the 2nd of June 2004, she is a colour known as skewbald which is brown and white (the same as her equine friend DJ).

Shetland Ponies
Kit Kat and Katie

Shetland Ponies
Kit Kat and Katie
Kit Kat and Katie are our two Shetland Ponies here at St Piers Farm.
Katie was born on the 3rd of May 2010, she is a brown colour which is known as Dark Bay and her passport name is ‘Daddy’s Little Girl’.
Kit Kat was born on the 24th May 2013, she is a colour known as Bay Roan and her passport name is ‘Kings Acre Kit Kat’.


Fudge is a very friendly and cheeky alpaca, she was born in May 2020 just two days apart from her friend Pebbles, her mum is Narnia who also lives here at the farm. We have 5 alpacas in total living on the farm, Paloma is the auntie to Pebbles and Fudge, the two youngest of the herd.
Fudge is the friendliest of the herd and enjoys a neck scratch from time to time, she can sometimes be boisterous and playful, and loves to have treats hand fed to her.

Pygmy Goat

Pygmy Goat
Patch is a Pygmy goat with a cheeky nature. She was born at St Piers Farm in March 2023 , she is a very bold young lady, she is brown and white in colour and has a very distinctive marking.

Miniature Pigs
Ella and Miracle

Miniature Pigs
Ella and Miracle
Miracle and Ella are miniature pigs who arrived at the farm in 2021, they were kindly donated by the Pig Father company.
Both of them were born the 10th of January 2020.
They love to spend time in their wallow, especially during the summer months, through winter they spend their time between the barn and the paddock, where they can stretch their legs and rummage in the grass for treats, usually acorns.