St Piers

Get involved

Your support for children and young people with epilepsy, learning disabilities and other complex needs is vital.

Support today. Transform tomorrow.

Now, more than ever, we need to adapt to new challenges: meeting the increasingly complex needs of students while facing the rising cost of living. 

There are many great ways you can get involved. You can donate, fundraise for us, take part in an event, become a volunteer or get your company involved.

Join #TeamStPiers today and help transform tomorrow.

Ways to support St Piers

Ways to support St Piers


£12.50 a month could help pay for day trips and fun days out for our students with complex needs and disabilities.

Ways to support St Piers

Join an event

From Star Run to Purple Day, there’s lots going on at St Piers for you to get involved in.

Ways to support St Piers

Fundraise with us

Can you raise £125 in 125 days? Check out our website for fun ideas to raise funds for St Piers and Young Epilepsy.

Ways to support St Piers


There’s lots of exciting and useful roles volunteers can help with, from gardening to feeding the Alpacas, from helping with the students’ lunchtime to housekeeping, admin and more!

Ways to support St Piers

Remember us in your will

A legacy gift will help ensure our School and College are here for students in the future, just as we have been for the last 125 years.

Ways to support St Piers

Partner with us

We would love to talk with you about how your business might like to get involved.